CAD. Cut. Cookie.


  1. Draft your idea

    Decide what shape you want to make your cookie cutter, and find an a simple image or template of it online

  2. Design it in CAD

    Create a document in your CAD program of choice (Onshape for example), and start designing your cookie cutter with the help of the resources!

  3. Submit it!

    Once you’re done with your design, double check that it fits the requirements, and submit it on the website!


Basic requirements

Your cookie cutter should be:

  • a fun design
    (don't just make a basic shape)
  • ≤ 100mm x 100mm
  • Have a wall + border

External resources

For a video tutorial, see:

Join #BakeBuild on the Hack Club Slack for any questions you have


  1. Make a document in Onshape and import a simple template of your design
  2. Create a sketch and insert the image, using the dimension tool to fix its size
  3. Trace your outline using the “spline” tool and confirm your sketch
  4. Use the extrude tool on the “thin” setting and select your outline
    thickness ≈ 1.6mm
    depth ≈ 12.7mm
  5. Use the extrude tool on the “thin” setting and select your outline
    thickness ≈ 1.6mm
    depth ≈ 12.7mm


We’d love to hear from you!
Join #BakeBuild in the Hack Club Slack and tell us how it went!


Now it’s time to show what you know and submit!

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